Buitoni campaign

The recipe for
a tasty creative


Only the brave

Buitoni’s Christmas campaign ‘Bravo Valiente’ shouts out for the brave among the cooking newbies, offering easy recipes with wow-effect which involve their key products.

The campaign is showcasing Buitoni products as the optimal solution for impressive festive dishes as it leads prospective consumers to the campaign’s landing page. This landing page created by McCann dynamically listed the trendiest seasonal recipes in each Spanish city and related them to featured Buitoni recipes, —an engaging way to drive traffic to Buitoni.es, the brand’s main website.

Knead the dough and let it rise

Discover how we prepared the data-driven recipe with four creatives as main ingredients.

Creative #1 – Inspiration

The first creative lures the aspiring cooks with an inspirational message, so we created a geo-targeted creative relating the customer’s location in the map with the most popular local recipes. Note that Spain is a country of strong traditions which demonstrate especially during holidays and home cooking tends to gear towards traditional recipes which are specific to different regions of Spain. The goal of this creative ad was to lead prospects to the Campaign’s landing page.

Creative #2 – Awareness

For those who did not click on our inspirational piece we had a surprise. This time we approached them with humor to deliver a brand awareness message: “Win the heart of your mother in law with a perfect recipe prepared with Buitoni products”. Clickers of creative #2 land in the map-landing page too.

Creative #3 – Excellence

Whoever landed on the page and browsed around would later be exposed to Creative #3, an encouraging message stating how much better recipes turn out when working with the best ingredients. This ad had the capability to dynamically load assorted recipes. We turned on ‘creative optimization’ which allocated more impressions to the best performing recipes. The goal of this creative was to drive traffic to Buitoni.es.

Creative #4 – Reward

Some other people spent a longer time on the landing page and entered a Spanish province to visit the featured recipe. They were later exposed to Creative #4, an ad featuring a message of reward that praised users engagement. This ad was propensity-driven: it suggested another recipe that had a higher chance to be interesting based on a prior basket market analysis.

Finally, users who browsed the landing page visited a province and recipe but took a slightly different tour.

The magic recipe

Let’s have a look at the behind the scene audience strategy. Our journey began by targeting those who had a reasonable predisposition to react to our campaign with Creative #1. This included foodies, people who showed interest in our content on YouTube and people seeking inspiration for Christmas cooking. Creative #2 was used to retarget them again with a sequential message. Then we retargeted website visitors, and slightly different Youtube Users and inspiration seekers with Creative #3. Finally, we retargeted with Creative #4 those who had read specific recipes on the brand’s main website.

Upper funnel

Youtube usersViewed “map” video

FoodiesGoogle affinities

1st stage


Youtube usersViewed “recipes” video

Website visitorsCampaign Landing page

Search & ContextualInspiration for cooking with dough

2nd stage

Lower funnel

Specific recipes
within buitoni.es

book downloaders
PDF file

Freshly out of the oven
– the results

We compared our campaign’s performance with the previous year’s Christmas campaign – and, yes, our data driven campaign scored significantly better!



Christmas Campaign
2016 (Static)

21% increase


Christmas Campaign
2017 (Dynamic)

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